8 Romance Subgenres To Find Your Next Love

It’s March so that means it’s time for Spring and Romance.



The trees are budding and the first flowers are blooming…turns a female heart to her next Romance read.

read romance

With so many Romance subgenres, there truly is a Romance for everyone!

Here is a list of the Romance subgenres and a few authors to try within that subgenre:

  • Historical Romance – That’s right, it’s romance that takes place in the past, most often in the American West, Medieval England and Regency England. Here are some authors to try Mary Jo Putney, Amanda Quick, Beatrice Small.
  • Contemporary Romance – These take place in the present and tend toward humorous and often suspenseful. (This is my favorite romance subgenre and the type of books I like to write.) Some authors to try would be Jennifer Crusie, Elizabeth Bevarly, Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
  • Category Romance – These romances are often shorter and written in series. Some authors to try would be Suzanne Brockmann, Elizabeth Lowell.
  • Futuristic and Fantasy Romance – These romances are obviously written in the future or in an imaginary world. Some authors to try would be Dara Joy, Susan Grant.
  • Paranormal Romance – You guessed it. These romances contain vampires, ghosts or other creatures. Some authors to try would be Susan Krinard, Christine Feehan.
  • Time Travel Romance – Just like the name implies, these romances involve traveling in time. Some authors to try would be  Lynn Kurland, Sandra Hill.
  • Gothic Romance – These are mostly romances of the past with authors such as Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart (I love these old ones!).
  • Romantic Suspense – These books generally involve plots dealing with drug dealers, smugglers and stalkers. Some authors to try would be Susan Anderson, Tammy Hoag, Melinda Leigh.

So go out and try new subgenres, you’re bound to find your next Romance love. And never be afraid to try a new author, hundreds come out each month.

What are your favs when it comes to Romance reading?