7 Things I Learned in 2020

2020 has been tough for everyone the world over and it’s predicted that this winter will be pretty bad with possible lock-downs again. So here is my attempt to make lemonade when life gives you lemons. 

7 Things I Learned in 2020:

  1. Walking & deep breathing helps with anxiety – I normally have a tendency to be a worry-wart and 2020, with its fear of contracting the coronavirus and stressing over masks and social distancing, has ramped up my anxiety ten-fold. This year I have really depended on my methods of walking in the fresh air and mediating with deep breaths to calm me back down to Earth. It truly works for me and 2020 has proven it without a doubt. Do you battle with worry and anxiety? Normally or just this year?
  2. I’ve learned about writing mysteries – If 2020 gave us anything, it gave us more time for our home activities. My two favorite genres are romance and mysteries. Since I’ve published one romance and have written two more, I decided to try my hand at a cozy mystery series to take my mind off the contagious droplets floating in the air outside my door. Did you pick up a new hobby or learn a new skill this year?
  3. Most people have too much stuff – A good way to pass a few days at home is to clean out your closets. Pull out anything you haven’t worn in the last year – odds are you won’t wear it in the years to come either, so donate it where someone else could wear it. If you are a shoe- or purse-fanatic (like me) you know you need to weed out a few every year to be able to buy more, unless you have a closet that you can designate exclusively for your shoes or purses. Blankets, afghans, luggage bags and belts are the same way – if you haven’t used them, keep your favorites and donate the rest. Remember, reuse/recycle/repurpose is better for us and the planet! De-clutter your house and it will become a more calming and rejuvenating retreat.
  4. There’s always things to do at home – I love to travel – camp in the woods, hike, site-see, experience new things but Little Miss Coronavirus put her foot down on that this year. Bummer. So since we were sticking around home a lot, there is always chores or updates to do. You know, the things you are always planning on getting to but there’s usually a bunch of funner things to do instead? This year we planted some trees, had a garage built, replaced a ceiling fan, built a house address sign and painted. This way, we can travel and camp all we want next year and not feel guilty that there is so much to do at home 🙂 Did you do any home chores or improvements?
  5. Reassurance in the goodness of people – I love seeing the videos of all the people doing something nice for someone else. The boy who gave out snacks to the delivery people, the townspeople who ran an auto-parade for an elderly lady celebrating her 100th birthday, people donating and delivering food to people in need, thank you cards and signs for our first responders, nurses and doctors. There is so much sadness and stress this year that we need to see people pitching in to thank or help, sometimes, a complete stranger. Keep those videos coming!
  6. I like my own company – I am mostly an introvert and homebody so I guess staying home hasn’t been as hard on me as some people (my husband is the social butterfly) however, this year has practically made me a recluse – minus the ratty bathrobe, body odor and paranoid mindset. Still, spending more time alone has shown me that I like my own company. Have you found you’re okay with less socializing or are you someone who calls up the library just to chat to someone? (I work at the local library and we have had people call up with random questions.)
  7. There is hope for 2021! – Any time now there will be vaccines available and we will spend next year under new national leadership with a female in the co-pilot seat. Things are definitely looking up. Hang in there everyone. It has been hard and my heart goes out to anyone who has lost someone to this virus, but we will get past this with caring, caution and science.

What have you learned in 2020?

What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?

2 thoughts on “7 Things I Learned in 2020

  1. TammyB says:

    Beautiful list!


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