Friday Fun #10 – Cat Takes on Great Dane and Wins!

This Friday I am proud to show a video that reminds us, it is not the size of the cat (or person) that matters but the size of the fight in the cat (or person). I hope I did justice to the famous saying. If not, I apologize:)

(Courtesy of YouTube and The Great Dane Channel)

So whatever you are dealing with, remember if you have enough spirit or fight in you, you can conquer anything.

I know this theory to be true for when I was studying Tae Kwon Do, I was able to hip-toss a 250 lb man (me being slightly less than a 100 lbs)! Never give up:)

*If you missed last Friday’s Fun post, click here.

Time for Autumn Feng Shui

Apples and apple cider. Pumpkins and squash. Scarecrows and skeletons. Time for Autumn and Feng Shui.

pumpkins and gourds


fall maple

Many people like to decorate for the seasons. Dried cornstalks, bunches of Indian corn, pumpkins and skeletons can be great enhancements to home decor; however, you have to be careful where you place them and how.

Halloween Decorations- morgue

haunted house - morgue

Make sure you do not block your doorways, limiting the good chi entering your home.

Make sure your decorations do not become cluttered because clutter creates an unsettled atmosphere.

Perhaps, put some of your everyday decor away to make room for your Halloween decorations.

Autumn may also be a good time to do some “Spring Cleaning.”

  • Your curtains could use refreshing after a summer of dust blowing through them.
  • You could wash up your blankets and afghan to get them ready for cooler nights and mornings.
  • Trim your perennials to get them ready for their winter sleep.
  • Replace your doormats.
  • Clean out leaves and debris from your gutters.

Feng Shui will help you prepare for a winter of balance and prosperity.

What is your favorite season?

Friday Fun Post #9 – Hat on the Beach


Another Friday Fun post to get you through your day. What caption would you write for this photo of a hat laying on the beach?

hat on the beach

Mine: The hat was just the beginning of a trail of discarded clothes on a lonely beach, but the woman was nowhere to be found.

Let me know what caption you would write in the comments and have a great Friday!

If you missed last Friday Fun post (especially if you love cats), click here.


Friday Fun #8 Cats & Boxes

This Friday’s fun is a video showing cats and their love for cardboard boxes.

Our Aggie Girl (short for Miss Agatha Christie) loves her boxes…

Aggie in her box

but I didn’t realize that even big cats love boxes.

(video courtesy of – Big Cat Rescue)


Which big cat did you think was the best?

Did you miss last Friday’s Fun Post? If so, click here.

Friday Fun #7: Funny Camel Face

Here we are once again at Friday. Are we ready for some fun??

I love the Geico commercials with the camel (What day is it?), so when I saw this photo I fell in love with it. What do you think this camel is saying/thinking?

camel face

Maybe if I make a scary face those humans watching us will go away.


Really, George, I told you those deep-fried cactus blossoms would give you heartburn.


Did you miss last Friday’s post? If so, click here.

Have a great Friday everyone!